Publication: Scientific Lenses to Support Multiple Views over Linked Chemistry Data

When are two entries about a small molecule in different datasets the same? If they have the same drug name, chemical structure, or some other criteria? The choice depends upon the application to which the data will be put. However, existing Linked Data approaches provide a single global view over…

Publication: Incorporating private and commercial data into an open linked data platform for drug discovery

On October 22, 2013, Posted by , In Publications, By ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , With Comments Off on Publication: Incorporating private and commercial data into an open linked data platform for drug discovery

The Open PHACTS Discovery Platform aims to provide an integrated information space to advance pharmacological research in the area of drug discovery. Effective drug discovery requires comprehensive data coverage, i.e. integrating all available sources of pharmacology data. While many relevant data sources are available on the linked open data cloud,…