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Publication: WikiPathways: capturing the full diversity of pathway knowledge

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Publication: WikiPathways: capturing the full diversity of pathway knowledge

WikiPathways ( is an open, collaborative platform for capturing and disseminating models of biological pathways for data visualization and analysis. Since our last NAR update, 4 years ago, WikiPathways has experienced massive growth in content, which continues to be contributed by hundreds of individuals each year. New aspects of the diversity and depth of the collected pathways are described from the perspective of researchers interested in using pathway information in their studies. We introduce the Quick Edit feature for pathway authors and curators, in addition to new means of publishing pathways and maintaining custom pathway collections to serve specific research topics and communities. In addition to the latest milestones in our pathway collection and curation effort, we also highlight the latest means to access the content as publishable figures, as standard data files, and as linked data, including bulk and programmatic access.

Martina Kutmon, Anders Riutta, Nuno Nunes, Kristina Hanspers, Egon L. Willighagen, Anwesha Bohler, Jonathan Mélius, Andra Waagmeester, Sravanthi R. Sinha, Ryan Miller, Susan L. Coort, Elisa Cirillo, Bart Smeets, Chris T. Evelo, Alexander R. Pico

Full publication: Nucleic Acids Research, 2015

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