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Publication: Scientific Lenses over Linked Data: An approach to support task specific views of the data. A vision.

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Publication: Scientific Lenses over Linked Data: An approach to support task specific views of the data. A vision.

On November 12, 2012, Posted by , In Publications, By ,,,,,,,,,, , With Comments Off on Publication: Scientific Lenses over Linked Data: An approach to support task specific views of the data. A vision.

Within complex scientific domains such as pharmacology, operational equivalence between two concepts is often context-, user- and task-specific. Existing Linked Data integration procedures and equivalence services do not take the context and task of the user into account. We present a vision for enabling users to control the notion of operational equivalence by applying scientific lenses over Linked Data. The scientific lenses vary the links that are activated between the datasets which affects the data returned to the user.

Christian Brenninkmeijer, Chris Evelo, Carole Goble, Alasdair J G Gray, Paul Groth, Steve Pettifer, Robert Stevens, Antony J Williams, Egon
L Willighagen

Full publication: Conference paper submitted to LISC 2012

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