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Publication: Including Co-referent URIs in a SPARQL Query

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Publication: Including Co-referent URIs in a SPARQL Query

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Linked data relies on instance level links between potentially differing representations of concepts in multiple datasets. However, in large complex domains, such as pharmacology, the inter-relationship of data instances needs to consider the context (e.g. task, role) of the user and the assumptions they want to apply to the data. Such context is not taken into account in most linked data integration procedures. In this paper we argue that dataset links should be stored in a stand-off fashion, thus enabling different assumptions to be applied to the data links during query execution. We present the infrastructure developed for the Open PHACTS Discovery Platform to enable this and show through evaluation that the incurred performance cost is below the threshold of user perception.

C.Y.A. Brenninkmeijer, C. Goble, A.J.G. Gray, P. Groth, A. Loizou, and S. Pettifer

Full publication: Proceedings of COLD 2013, Fourth International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data, Sydney, Australia, October 22 2013

See also: Conference presentation: Including Co-referent URIs in a SPARQL Query

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